Homeowner tips

Fix home energy leaks to save money

Locate energy leaks at home to save energy

Did you know that over half of your home energy use comes from heating and cooling your home? Each month, homeowners meet the utility bill with anxiety. “How is the bill so high?” “Why does my bill go up every year?” “There has to be more we can do to lower the bill.” The cost of energy is on the rise and there are no signs of it dropping. Making your home as efficient as possible is your only option for reducing your energy bills. The amount of effort your HVAC system takes to heat and cool your home directly impacts your energy usage – and your energy bill.

Where to Find Energy Leaks

Understanding how you can improve your energy use begins by identifying patterns in energy inefficiency. Remedies can range from simply changing your air filters regularly to the more complex sealing and insulating your ducts.


Regardless of how low or high you set your thermostat, leaky ducts can still cost you. An estimated 20% of energy is wasted due to leaky ducts. You can inspect your home’s ductwork yourself or opt for assistance from a professional contractor.


Start by sealing and insulating accessible ducts. Despite its name, Duct Tape fails to provide a long-term solution to leaks. You can also inspect the connections of your ducts at vents and registers. Often times they can be disconnected and cause leaks. Unfortunately there are often too many limitations with ductwork visibility and homeowner HVAC expertise to eliminate inefficiencies without the help of a professional. Having a professional repair your unit is a long-term investment in your home’s efficiency.


Hidden air leaks are another source of energy waste. These air leaks are easily identifiable as you will be able to feel the air pushing out. Windows, doors and holes in the attic, basement or your crawlspace are all areas to inspect for hidden air leaks. Indoor air quality starts with fresh air. Your home is designed to allow for a minimum amount of fresh air to circulate. Worried about sealing your home too tightly? A professional contractor can run diagnostic tests to determine how much air your home is actually leaking.


Avoid wasteful energy on heating and cooling by installing Sensi™ Smart Thermostats. A standard programmable thermostat won’t adapt to your busy schedule. Sensi thermostat allows you to control the climate in your home from anywhere. Leaving for an expected business trip? Late meeting cancelled? You can communicate with your Sensi thermostat and change the temperature settings for a more energy-efficient home.

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